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Hey Family and Friends,
Tana and I wanted to post an update as to how the team is doing and what is going on. We have arrived safely in Grenada Nicaragua. The past couple of days have  been amazing. We have just had a relaxed couple of days learning about where everything is and getting our bearings. We have met many people that are living down here and the team is so excited to be here. The flight was good, no worries with hurricane IKE. We had a little… ok alot a bit of turbulance on the flight from Houston to Managua… but it was fun! We arrived in Managua, and I can’t explain to you the happiness that I saw on thier faces when they saw Tana, Charles and Sarah and Heather! It was amazing to see. We loaded all of our luggage on to a school bus and drove to Grenada. That night we didn’t do much of anything, us guys took a cold  shower and it felt amazing! It is very very hot and humid here. The next day (Wed.) We just kind of relaxed and got to walk around and see the culture and the people and where we are going to spend the next 9 months! It was great. We slept in… until 8:30am… Yes, that’s sleeping in after training camp! The team had an orientation that night with Charles and the staff here, we sang and had a time of prayer. Then today (Thurs.) The guys got up at 7ish, we went to a mens bible study. We sang, and we heard Charles speak. We had maybe, 20-25 men there. Praise the Lord, 3 men came into a personal relationship with Christ! I immediately thought of Luke 10:2- “And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” After Bible study we drove with Charles and had the opportunity to bring two men to a rehabilitation center to get free from their addictions. The girls…. well, I spent my day with the guys today! So I’m not positive what they did today! I know alot of them walked around the city with Tana and Heather, bought some cell phones down here (They are very cheap) So that is all really for now, I just wanted to update everyone on how the team is doing. Thanks for you prayers! We all love you and miss you, I’m sure I can speak for us all!
Be blessed,

3 responses to “Update from Grenada Nicaragua”

  1. Thank you for updating us! You even did it the way moms like it – with a blow by blow of what you’ve been doing. Love it! Our love & prayers continue…

  2. Great to hear you guys are settling in. Shoot me an e-mail with your phone numbers so I can give you a call sometime.