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Below is the travel itinerary for the group. I just submitted your names for the tickets. 
            CO 2621         15Sep08      Atlanta         1200N         Houston      110P
            CO 1774         15Sep08      Houston        335P           Managua     603P
CO 1775         13May09      Managua      620A           Houston      1045A
CO 2920         13May09      Houston       1150A         Atlanta         257P

You will be coming back into Atlanta on May 13. It was going to cost a lot more per ticket to come back on the 14th. The Africa team comes back on the 14th. So you will spend a couple nights in Atlanta before flying home on the 15th. We will have one final debrief in Atlanta before you head back home.

3 responses to “Travel Itinerary”

  1. I noticed that the cost for the tickets wasn’t taken out of my account yet.. any idea when it will be?

  2. Are the cost of these tickets included in the $6000 we have to have in our account or is this in addition to the initial $6000?

  3. The total cost of the trip is $6250 plus the airfare, which was $880, for a total of $7,130 needing to be raised.