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Well…I am a small town Nebraska girl(though I’m definitely not a “farm girl” that many people seem to associate Nebraska teenage girls as). I live with my parentals and my lone sister…I guess she is currently living at college but ya know…I am 17 years old, until August in which, obviously, I will have one more candle on the cake. ๐Ÿ˜€ Um, I’ve grown up in a christian family, going to church, summer camps, and numerous other activities. My parents have helped at a local Christian camp since before I was born, so I’ve grown up going to camp every summer. Actually my parents are taking over that camp(Camp Joy) as full time missionaries come this May. That’s quite exciting for me. God has really worked in my life through Camp Joy. I accepted Jesus as my savior during a campfire at Camp Joy at around the age of 8 or 9. Since then God has changed me inside and out! I’m living proof of 2 Corinthians 5:17(as all believers should be). Since then life’s been a blast- a long, hard blast, but it’s been good. Now my life is all about Jesus! I’m really into music. I play the piano. I have a guitar and would love to learn how to play but I’m not smart enough to teach myself. ๐Ÿ˜€ I like to sing(though don’t expect me to sing a solo…No way!!). I also like to excersice-running mainly. I also love to travel. I am passionate about serving God through missions. Oh and I love kids. Helping at camp every summer has sparked my passion for children. They just rock my world. I also love old people too but now I’m probably just freaking you out. ๐Ÿ˜› No but really, Jesus is my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. He is my everything and I am living hard-core for Him and Him alone. God is definitely still working out some kinks in me but I have absolute faith in what He can do in me, and through me. I am in love with Jesus, and I fall more so in love with Him everyday