
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Time to prepare a list of people you are going to send your letter too. There are three common mistakes that people make as they prepare their list. ONE: You list only those who you think will give. TWO: You make your list mentally rather than with pen or keyboard. THREE: You build your list alone.

People can be put into three groups. They are people who care about:

Who are the people who care about YOU?

  • Family
  • Friends of family
  • Peer group members
  • People in the churches you have attended
  • Sunday-school classes or small groups you have been in
  • Older believers who have taken an interest in you

Who are the people who care about YOUR ORGANIZATION?

  • Students who have gone on an AIM trip
  • Youth pastors or adults who have taken their group on an AIM trip

Who are the people who care about YOUR CAUSE?

  • Anyone who has gone on a missions trip or has a heart for missions.

Building prospect lists must be done ethically. Make sure you do not cross the line. Send only to people who you know or those who you have some kind of connection. If you are going to send to everyone in the church directory, check with your pastor first. If you cannot build a support team ethically, God does not want you to be a missionary. Let your conscience be captive to the Word of God.