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name is Sarah Morgan and I go to Linn-Mar High School. I’m somewhat
known to be a stereotype crusher because yes I am a Cheerleader and yes
I am a Christian and in my school that is somewhat weird yet accepted
and it has actually been amazing, because being noticed mean people
know I’m the Christian girl which means I have the opportunity to talk
to others about my faith. I also run track which is super fun, and yes
I do like to run. I know I’m weird. I’m also very invovled with FCA
(Fellowship of Christian Athletes) at my school. We just got that
started up this past year and everything is falling into place. I love
my youth group and everything about it right now we are just starting
to get things moving and it has been amazing. This past summer I worked
at Christian Bible camp and that was possibly the most amazing
expirence of my life. I have never grown so much in my faith. This past
summer I also had the opportunity to go to Biloxi, Mississippi to do
some Katrina Relief work which was also amazing and astonishing on how
much work still needs to be done. In my past I’ve learned what a true
friend is and how to keep them. Like all I’ve had rough patches but
with God’s help managed to get through them and preserver on.