
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello! My name is Becca Chuckney and I’m 22 years old, from
Williamsburg, Virginia, born and raised. I will be graduating in May
from the University of Virginia with Psychology and Religious Studies
degrees. My parents are both Christians so I owe a lot to them for
shaping my thoughts and heart from a young age to love the Lord. I am
the oldest of 4 kids, and let me just tell you, things can get loud at
home 🙂 I love sports, people, singing, ice cream, friends, speaking in
foreign accents, running, laughing…those are a bunch of random things
but for better or worse I think they help sum me up. I’m excited to
meet new people and see what the Lord has in store next.

2 responses to “Rebecca Chuckney”

  1. Welcome to the team, Rebecca! I am excited for you and anxious to see how God is going to use you this year.

  2. Hey Rebecca! Or is it Becky?

    First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Jamie O’Shea. I’m from good ol’ Canada. I am going to be one of your leaders in Nicaragua. I’m really excited that you will be on the team and I know that you will contribute to the family with your education and eagerness to serve Him. You think it can be loud with 4 kids… try 8!!! Haha, yes that’s me, I’m from a large family as well! I am the second oldest.

    Well I should get going, feel free to email me back so I can get to know ya! I’m praying for you and the team! Keep on Keeping on!
