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  Is it too simple to say I believe because there is nothing else I can do? There’s a song by Joy Williams that says:

“I believe in You, and nothing less
I believe in You, can’t help myself
You’re all the hope, the reason that I need
I believe in You just because
I don’t need no one to prove Your love
For all that I have seen
It’s easier for me to believe in You”

Having the knowledge that no matter what happens in life, God is in control is enough for me. Sometimes what He’s doing or where He’s leading me doesn’t make sense.  Sometimes all I can see is the surface of his plans- like overlooking a wooded area. You see the trees and the colors, however, you don’t know what it truly contains until you’re down in the woods, wandering around and discovering all it has to offer. The unknown is the blessing. It’s added mystery and excitement in this life where things can easily become monotonous. I wish I could say that I always relish the unknowns in life- this isn’t so. But the reality that God is in control and that He can mold my life into something that I couldn’t even imagine is… awesome (for lack of a better word).

In college, I had the hardest time figuring out a major. Everything seemed… okay. But nothing jumped out at me or seemed right. They weren’t enough. Then last fall I felt God calling and pulling my heart towards the missions field. It kind of made sense- I had been on some missions trips and loved them and what God did on them. But I didn’t know what exactly it would mean once I accepted the call. And even once I admitted to myself what God had been telling me, it didn’t make sense till this past May. That was when God called me to Nicaragua. He also pushed my level of belief. I was excited for an opportunity to go on the missions field but the timing didn’t seem right- from my view of his plans. I had to change my view on things and believe that God would show me His plan in His time. 

And so here I am. Only seeing the top of what God is offering me. About to go on an amazing trip to share Christ and show His love. Belief can be stretched and changed and deepened… but only if we allow it. This life is what we make of it. We can embrace it and live Christ’s dream for us to the fullest or refuse it. For me, the choice is obvious because I believe— and I want that for others. To believe because they can’t imagine not believing.