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I just got this note from Heather King, one of our staff members in Nicaragua about some ministry opportunities:

We have a group of people through Iglesia Torre Fuerte who are interested in taking an ESL class.  Is there anyone in the group with teaching interest or background who would be willing to help me head this up? 
Also, sports is an area where we really might be able to plug in some FYMs.  Does anyone have enough soccer experience to help coach?

We have some soccer balls and jerseys which have been donated which we will be taking down as well.  So, anyone interested in coaching soccer, there’s an opportunity.

6 responses to “Ministry Opportunities”

  1. I played soccer through highschool and one year of college, but I don’t speak spanish to well. I would love to help coach but it would be hard to explain stuff. Do you know what age group.

  2. i love playing soccer i’ve played most of my life. my spanish is a little dusty but it’s conversational.

  3. I would love to coach anything sports related, soccer would be great. I know enough spanish to get me by, I took three years in high school and I have been teaching myself some this summer.

  4. I am the same on the soccer front, playing it most of my life. I can also help with the translation stuff when we are coaching.

    I have also taught ESL once before for a semester. So I could do that as well if you guys need help, but I would be more interested in coaching some football on the pitch (That’s for all you Brits out there!).

    And Jennifer just to let you know, you don’t have to really no much Spanish in order to teach ESL. Usually, classes are taught entirely in English and it is usually the best way. You can use a lot of word/picture association. I have heard of teachers going to China to teach English and they didn’t know one word of Chinese.

  5. I have been teaching at the daycare i work at for a while and took several teaching classes at school and i am really interested in teaching later on so i would be interested in helping with this. How much spanish would i need to know though? I didnt know if it would matter…but i would like to help in any way i can:)