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Thoughts & Inspiration

name is Laura Overs and I’m from Frederick, Maryland. I’ve lived in
frederick my whole life and I am the youngest of three. I feel its
God’s calling in my life to do mission work and to tell everyone about
His love. I am planning on studying nursing when I go to college. Now
fun things about myself, I love games and sports. I played soccer for 9
years, and I love watching pro-football. GO BILLS! My friends and I
play frisbee a lot too. I love being around kids and I baby-sit almost
every week. I love almost any kind of music, especially country and
Christian. I go to concerts as much as I can. I am active in my youth
group and my church. I’m so happy there is a program like Adventures in
Missions, and I’m excited to see where my journey with God will go.