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name is Jennifer Rae Springston. Most people call me Jenny.I go to
Buford Church of God and help lead worship in my youth group. I play
the piano, guitar and love to sing so, i am definitely not shy! I have
a wonderful family and group of friends that supported me when i
decided to go on the FYM trip. I am about to be 18 in August and
believe that this would be an awesome way to spend my first year after
high school. I work at a day care and am in choir at church. I am ready
to go to the next level in my relationships with Christ and become more intimate with God. That is why i decided to join this program. Something
random about myself is that i love lime green so much and my favorite
thing is coffee!I live in a small town but love to travel and
experience new things.I really love to talk, read, go to coffee
shops,being with my friends and family.I love to have fun and enjoy
life everyday!

One response to “Jennifer Springston”

  1. Hey Jenny,

    First of all, let me introduce myself…. online… hmmm weird. Anyways, my name is Jamie O’Shea. I am going to be one of your leaders in Nicaragua. It’s great to read your profile and get to know you a little bit! I was pleased to see that you enjoy coffee! That isn’t why you chose Latin America is it? Haha, I hear they have some gooood coffee! I’m happy to see that you love to sing and can play instruments! What a blessing for the team! It will come in handy when we get together for our worship times as a family.

    Well, I’d better go for now, feel free to email me and get the communication going!

    Praying for you,
