
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I can definitely say that one little boy has really inspired me recently.His name is Stephen and his family has attended my church all of my life. They are the most prescious people and Stephen is an inspiration to many. Spending just a few moments with him will bless you as he talks to you about baseball!He has a disease that keeps him in a wheel chair and is affecting his heart. Stephens first love is Christ and his second is baseball! Recently I was able to attend one of his games and absolutely had a blast. He plays on a team with other special needs children. It was so much fun watching him try so hard and enjoying every minute. You can really learn a lot from his life. I know I have learned several things from him that are going to benefit me this year. Right now Stephen is not doing to well so whoever reads this blog; please keep him and his family in your prayers. From his life I have learned to slow down, laugh more, and give all my worries to God. Through all of his physical hardships Stephen is a great kid with a simple love. He loves people regardless of who they are or what they look like. That is a great lesson that i will be able to take to Nicaragua with me so I will have an awesome experience with no regrets. It was an awesome thing two weeks ago when his parents brought him to the altar and our whole church gathered around them to lift him up in prayer. They are a family with great faith and also have very giving hearts. They sponsored me to do what i am doing this year and i know that could have been used for Stephen but that is just the kind of people they are. From them I have learned to have a giving heart and to think of others before myself. They are definitely part of who I am trying to become. Matthew 16:24 “If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” That basically sums up what I want for my future. I want to live my life for Christ regardless of the cost and that means putting others before me. Thats whats so cool about Stephen is that through all of his physical hardships he still thinks about others. That is a great lesson for anybody to have. I truly believe that we should give all our hardships and worries to God because he can fix them so much better than we can.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far!
