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21 responses to “Have you sent out your support Letter?”

  1. No, I haven’t sent out my letter yet. I am not entirely sure what format to use and what all should be included in the letter.

  2. Sent my support letters out a few days ago and just arrived in Siguatepeque, Honduras yesterday. I am loving every minute of it and the kids are so adorable and awesome to hang out with. I am excited for life change and God moving in a powerful way these next few months.

    I can’t wait to meet everybody in September and begin our program!

  3. ah sorry i was totally confused and for some reason i signed up for the 08africa awakening updates so i posted under that “have you sent out your support letter” page but i have sent my letters out already last thursday!

  4. Hey guys/ladies!

    It’s awesome to hear that most if not all of you have sent out your letters. Like you all are saying, GOD WILL PROVIDE this raising of money is awesome! It grows our faith and our trust in Him, it gives us humility as well. Lets give people an oppurtunity to partner with us and our mission! Keep it up! How is everyone doing with the fund raising?

  5. I sent my letters out around a month ago- God’s been providing πŸ™‚ About to send out a second round this week.

  6. Yeah I sent them out. I don’t really have any money yet in my account though, so if you guys wanted to pray, that would be nice.

  7. Yay. I finally sent out my first round of support letters. I cannot wait to see what God provides me with and I will be praying for all of you…cant wait to meet you!

  8. I am praying for everyones support raising and so far God has blessed me by moving in people to support me!
    I am so excited to meet everyone :)!!

  9. I have probably gotten a little over half my money in if you include monthly pledges. The coolest part is seeing who is giving and wanting to be a part of our mission and ministry. The Lord is using people I never expected!

  10. I’ll second JD in that God is bringing some of my support in from people I never imagined would have any interest in supporting me (and even some people who I don’t know personally). I have about 1/3 of the cost in so far, and God is faithful.