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Blog pages are a tool we have provided to you to be able to keep people up to date on your journey as well as a way to connect with each other.  I know most of you stay connected through Facebook, but we would also like you to be updating your personal blog page on a regular basis.  The blog page is also a way in which people can support you.  So, if you’re not directing people to your blog page and keeping it interesting, then you may be missing out on some support as well.
As you prepare to go, we ask that you post regularly and comment on the team page as well as others on your team.  We have also asked that you post an “I Believe” article on the team page.  Some of you have not done that yet.  While on the field we want you to put up weekly updates to keep people informed so they can be praying for you and supporting you.  Blogging is an integral part of the program and it has proven very beneficial.
Below I’ve listed some of you who have not posted an “I Believe” article or put your Bio up or posted anything on your page.  Please make that happen so we can get to know you better.  Thanks!
The following have not posted “I Believe” articles:
Caleb Austin
Melissa Brown
Joseph Carter
Rebecca Chuckney
Sylvia Harvie
Sarah Morgen
Laura Overs
Caleb Spitler
Anna-Marie Valenziano
Joann Weng
These have not put up a Bio on their page:
Rebecca Chuckney
Syliva Harvie
Joann Weng
These haven’t posted any articles on their page yet:
Melissa Brown
Joseph Carter
Rebecca Chuckney
Sylvia Harvie
Anna-Marie Valenziano
Joann Weng
Please do some work on these this weekend.  I appreciate you guys and can’t wait to meet each one of you.  God has some great things in store for each of you.

5 responses to “Are You Blogging?”

  1. I had one question. Do you want us to post everything that we put on our own blog page to be posted on the team page as well?

    I have been doing weekly video blogs during my stay in Honduras this summer and didn’t know if I should post them on the team page and what to post it under. I was doing it previously, but then saw that the trip update only wanted “I Believe” articles to be posted there. So I took them down for the time being and only have kept them on my personal blog page.

  2. JD – No, we don’t want everything you have on your personal page. The team blog is more for information and getting to know everyone.
    Caleb – On your documents page (accessed from your account page) under “suggested reading” is a document called blogging assignment. It explains what the I believe article is about.

  3. I saw someone on the Africa Awakening site asked about bringing laptops so I thought I’d like to know for Nica too. Is it better to try to bring a laptop if we have one, or will there be internet cafes and such that we’ll have access to?

  4. Hey i did write an “I Believe” blog. Its up on my page but i’m a little confused on how to get it on the team page.