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I was talking to Charles Kaye the other day and was asking some specific questions about clothing, logistics, and stuff like that.  Here are some things which would be good for you to know:
1.  Piercings and Tattoos – The fewer the better.  Any piercings more than in the ear will need to be removed when involved in ministry.  Tattoos will need to be covered as much as possible.
2.  Clothing Issues – Girls will need to wear dresses reaching the knee or below most of the time doing ministry.  At other times, shorts are fine as long as they are knee length.  Very few people even wear shorts in Nicaragua.  No tank tops, it’s best that shirts have sleeves.  Make sure you have a sturdy pair of shoes for walking and working.
3.  You will be living in a house with running water and electricity.  Everyone will have a bed.
4.  For spending money bring an ATM card so you can get cash as needed.  You won’t need a lot, but will need some for personal needs.
5.  To get on the internet you will go to an internet cafe.  We will provide you with some time each week on line for blog updates and communicating with home.  You may need to purchase additional time for skype calls and other things.
The time is getting close.  As we have further information we will let you know.  We’ll see you all in 2 weeks.

8 responses to “A Few More Details”

  1. When you say in the ministry does that mean that we will be needing dresses every day? i just want to get a count on how many roughly to bring, and to me fitting in is better than always sticking out so will we have the oportunity to possibly purchase cloths they may wear. And most of my dress are sleevless, so will i need to bring a cover up? And when you say knee length shorts do you mean above or below the knee.

  2. I was wondering the same thing Sarah. I was thinking that for my dresses that are spaghetti strapped I would just bring like a top to wear underneath. That way I could avoid having to go and buy new dresses. But if we have to wear dresses for everyday ministry I will need to go purchase some also.

  3. Skirts, dresses, doesn’t matter. I would guess you’ll be wearing either a skirt of dress about 4 or 5x a week. You can probalby get some inexpensive ones in Nicaragua as well.

    Just make sure the skirts and shorts are long, down around the knee or below.

  4. I was wondering about cell phones, like if they work down there basically, and my mom said something about how sometimes in other countries you need some kind of converter to plug stuff in? I was also wondering if we should bring stuff for free time, like movies or games or something or if we will pretty much be busy the whole time.

  5. American cell phones will not work, you’ll need to get one down there and buy minutes on it.

    You don’t need any kind of converters. Everything is the same as in the US.

    Bring any games, movies, etc. There will be time for those things.

  6. what exactly do you mean by shorts? like bermuda-ish shorts?? will we be able to possibly wear shorts instead of skirts or dresses? when we wear skirts do we have to wear nice tops too or would t-shirts still be an option?

  7. Would it be a good idea to bring some type of gift for the people we will be staying with? Our youth group did that this year when we went to Brazil but what would be the best thing to do?